Friday, June 26, 2009

Of course, now that I understand that this universe actually exploded out of nothing and went from a pinhead to a massive broiling ball of gases in far less than a millisecond, how can I possibly believe in miracles anymore? (That's tongue-in-cheek, folks).

One of the ways you can impress me is by demonstrating an understanding of modern physics. Opening a book with a summary of everything I've learned in the past year about quantum mechanics and astrophysics goes somewhat beyond that. In fact, in his book "Finding God in the Questions", Dr. Timothy Johnson confesses that the intricacies of the universe in both the sub-atomic and inter-galactic scales are for him more compelling evidence for God than is the existence of morality, which is the much more traditional demonstration of deism. This intrigues me, as does Dr. Johnson's very honest treatment of his belief in Christianity.

Also, a rather unrelated song:

If I knew how, I would link you directly to 2:06.